A downloadable game for Windows

About Micro Ball

This is a tiny game for Dos that I made using Borland C and bios interrupts so it doesnt really have any dependencies and should run even on ancient dos machines.  its only 8k in size.  

It is not great tbh I made it very small so it ran at a playable speed because I don't know how to get double buffering to work so when the ball moves faster it becomes even clumsier.  Perhaps I will figure out a way to fix that soon.


either the arrow keys or wasd move the paddle.  Thats about it.  


Its a dos .exe file and it runs great in dosbox, or dosbox-x or boxer.  

On the page for my previous game for this system there are a few more details about getting it running. 


MicroBall.zip 4.5 kB

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